IPEM Paris 2023 – Sophie LOK, Partner & Sarmad HAIDAR, Partner, DLA PIPER
Sophie LOK, Partner & Sarmad HAIDAR, Partner, DLA PIPER, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the…
Sophie LOK, Partner & Sarmad HAIDAR, Partner, DLA PIPER, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the…
Rick LAWRENCE, Partner, IR & Comms, MONTAGU, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the next ones.…
IPEM Paris 2023 – Recalibrating the performance equation 2/2. The key questions surrounding private market performance will be covered in detail, and should spark plenty of debate among institutional investors…
Olivier GOTTSCHALG, Founder, GOTTSCHALG ANALYTICS, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the next ones. Sponsored by:…
Mathieu CORNIETI, CEO, IMPACT PARTNERS, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the next ones. Sponsored by:…
IPEM Paris 2023 – LP-Only Sessions. IPEM’s new “LP-Only Sessions” to provide investors with a dedicated day of knowledge sharing.
Jennifer CHOI, CEO, INSTITUTIONAL LIMITED PARTNERS ASSOCIATION, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the next ones.…
Fokke LUCAS, Partner, 17CAPITAL, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned for the next ones. Sponsored by: IPEM…
IPEM Paris 2023 Events & Summits now released! Register with your IPEM Account
Elias KOROSIS, Partner, Head of Growth Investing and Strategy, HERMES GPE, joined us at #IPEMPARIS2023 TV Studio for an interview. Watch it, comment it & share it, and stay tuned…
Discover a summary of Wednesday at IPEM Paris 2024 with the Photo Gallery (relive our events: Comms & Marketing Lunch, Wrap Party), the TV Studio Interviews, and the Video Highlights!
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